Round 2 Introduction

Thank you for taking part in the first survey of the UNITE4COS study. 

We have analysed the results of the first survey and now invite you to take part in this second and final survey to agree a core outcome set for pulmonary tuberculosis research. 

A core outcome set means that the most important outcomes are measured in every research study. Doing this helps to make the research more efficient and results of different research studies can be compared and combined.

In this survey you will see each outcome again along with a chart that shows how the different groups of people taking part rated that outcome. 

We want you to look at this chart and think about how others have rated the outcome as well as thinking about your own score (highlighted in yellow) before rating the outcome again. If you would like to change your ratings, please feel free to do so. On the other hand, it is completely fine if you would like to keep your rating the same as before. 

Even though this survey looks similar to the one you’ve already completed it is really important that you also complete this second survey to ensure that your opinions can be taken into account.

We expect this survey to take you around 20 minutes to complete. 

To start rating Round 2 please click here.

If you have forgotten your login details please click here

All DelphiManager data is stored on a secure server in the University of Liverpool data centre. For more information please contact