Round 2 Introduction

Thank you for taking part in the My Knee Plan Questionnaire study.

This is the second and final questionnaire of the study.


This questionnaire will look similar to the one you completed before.

The rank you gave each item in the first round will be marked in yellow. You will also see the overall ratings from other people who took part.

The questions are about ‘Care Plan Components’. These items are care that could be provided for people who are waiting for and having knee replacement surgery.

Please rank each item again. You can choose to keep the same rank you gave before or can change your mind.

It will take you about 20 minutes to fill in this questionnaire.

If you have any questions or would like help filling in the forms, please contact us:

0117 414 7847

Thank you for helping us with our study.

To start rating Round 2 please click here.

If you have forgotten your login details please click here

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